Tiger Capital Management

Capital & Fund Growth

Hedge Fund and FoF Assistance

Tiger Capital strives to streamline the process for raising capital and listing of hedge funds and fund of funds. Whether your company his Hong Kong or Pacific Rim based or outside of Asia, Tiger Capital has the capacity to offer needed services at competitive pricing and speed.


Venture and Debt Financing

Tiger Capital can help funds with venture and debt financing by leveraging our network of databases and investors and linking the two together. Financing rounds are restricted to later stage funds. For startups, we may be able to refer you to angel investors or bank financing.

In-house Work

Tiger Capital can act as one-place firm for all your needs, including the creation of the fund or company, corporate documents, from partnership agreements to offering memorandum writing, to editing existing paperwork, to subscription monitoring and more. Contact us to find out all of our services for your fund.

Tiger Capital Management

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